
What is the best business book in the world?

Arto Sivonen
Founder, CEO

Someone once asked me what was the best business book I’ve read. I said Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s We Should All Be Feminists. I’ve also given people those books at various meetings and gatherings. I’ve often gotten quite surprised looks and lots of questions. The result has been some really great conversations. So why did I recommend this? 

Feminism is one of the most misunderstood words. It’s also a word that people want to misunderstand, it’s a scary word that challenges existing power structures. Feminism is a simple word that means the belief in social, economic, and political equality of sexes. It means that together we can build a more equal, prosperous and just world for all of us.  A world of happier men and happier women who are truer to themselves. We must raise our daughters differently. We must also raise our sons differently.

So what does this have to do with the business? The most important element of a successful and prosperous society is equality and respect for humanity. Only in this way can we work effectively and efficiently against the climate crisis. Only then can we build sustainable business and successful companies.

What is feminist work? It’s about giving everyone an equal opportunity to grow to the best of their potential. It’s being able to work in an environment that is safe and gives us support even in the most difficult situations, knowing that we have a safety net to support us. It is ultimately when we feel that we are not alone that we have the courage to fly. To do things that grow us bigger and our skills develop quickly.

The topic is more relevant than ever. In the United States and in various European countries, we are heading back towards history and women’s rights are being trampled underfoot. In India, sexual violence is a huge problem and we have already seen big demonstrations. Somebody asked me where do happy societies come from. Happy and functioning societies are always based on equality, on a feminist way of life.

Read: Why ecofeminists need a seat at the table

It sounds like utopia, but it’s not. This is work you and I can start doing right now. Make an impact on your own workplace, your company and your organisation. Remember this also when you vote and demand feminist decisions from policy makers. Do all this for yourself, your family and your children.

There are lots of really interesting business books out there. But I would say that before you start reading books on leadership, new business strategies or sales tools, read this book I recommend first if you haven’t already.

Someone will say at this point that the feminist world is impossible. Because the world cannot be changed, that is what every sensible person knows. But then there are those who do not know and they will change the world.


Arto Sivonen 

Founder of Mandag

